What is CMYK?
What is CMYK?
CMYK is also called the printing color mode, as the name suggests is used for printing.
There is a big difference compared with RGB: RGB mode is a color mode of screen display glow, you can still see the content on the screen in a dark room;
CMYK is a color mode for printed matter that depends on reflection. How do we read the content of the newspaper? It is the sunlight or light that shines on the newspaper and then reflects into our eyes before we see the content. It needs an external light source if you cannot read the newspaper in a dark room.
As long as the image displayed on the screen is expressed in RGB mode. As long as the images seen on the printed matter are expressed in CMYK mode. For example, periodicals, magazines, newspapers, posters, etc. are all printed out, so it is the CMYK model.