What is the difference between CMYK and spot colors?
What is the difference between CMYK and spot colors?
1.CMYK-that is, cyan, magenta (magenta), yellow, and black, these four colors can usually be reproduced by these four colors in printing;
2. Spot color-Spot color ink refers to a pre-mixed specific color ink (or special pre-mixed ink), used to replace or supplement process color (CMYK) ink, such as bright orange, green, fluorescent Color, metallic gold and silver ink, etc., or it can be a bronzing plate, a concave-convex plate, etc., and can also be used as a local varnished plate, etc. It is not based on the CMYK four colors. Each spot color requires a special printing plate when it is printed. (It can be simply understood as a set of spot color film and spot color printing when printing). Spot color means accurate color.
Attachment: Spot color-refers to the color not synthesized by printing CMYK four colors when printing, but to print the color with a specific ink.
Reason for adding black
The three colors of cyan, magenta, and yellow are also the three primary colors of printing. Theoretically, the three colors can be mixed with black, but in reality, due to the limitation of production technology, the purity of the ink is often unsatisfactory. The mixed black is not strong enough, and can only rely on purified Mix it in black. In addition, ink consumption can also be saved. The black part in a picture is mixed with the same amount of CMY as black without black ink. If there is black, you can directly use black to reduce the amount of ink used.